ICT workshop- Digital text




Name of the teacher :PRAVEENA K   

Date  :  20/5/22                                 

Department : Physical Science      

 Class       : 9th                   

Subject    : Physics 

Duration  : 40 minutes

Unit         : Work, Energy and Power

 Topic      : Kinetic Energy


The study of kinetic energy helps 

To understand the energy possessed by objects due to its motion and define it.

To give examples of objects having kinetic energy.

To analyse situations and distinguish if objects possess kinetic energy or not.

To understand the two factors affecting kinetic energy.

To give the equation of kinetic energy for solving numerical problems. 

Energy is defined as the capacity to do work. 

Work is done to displace the box from position1 to position2 shown in the figure. 

Work,   W= Force * Displacement

If F is the force and d is the displacement, W=F*d

Unit of work is Joule or Newton second. 

There are different forms of energy that we see around us in daily life. The given image illustrates some of them. 

Among the different forms of energy mechanical energy is one of the important. 

Mechanical energy otherwise known as moving energy consist of two types

1. Kinetic energy                                  2. Potential energy


Consider the situation of a toy car hitting a plastic ball kept at rest as shown in the figure. 

What happens to the ball when the car hits?

Is there any force applied on the ball?

Is there any work done on the ball?

How did the car get the energy to hit the ball?


The ball got displaced when the car hits

Force was applied on the ball by the car

Yes, work was done on the ball by the car

Work done= Force * Displacement


The car gets energy to hit the ball by its motion.

Kinetic Energy Definition

The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion is the kinetic energy. 

Examples: - Car moving on a road, ball rolling down a hill. 

Analyze the situations shown above and make a table of objects having kinetic energy and objects which do not have kinetic energy. 



Flying aircraft 

Bullet fired from gun 

Running animal 


    Dog sleeping 

   Vehicles parked 

    Boy standing 

Factors affecting kinetic energy 

Experiment 1 : When ball rolling down from slopes of different heights hit a car at rest on the bottom of slope, the velocity of motion changes in different cases and motion of car will be more when velocity is high. 

Experiment 2: When paper cups are strike with balls of different mass, the cups have more displacement when mass of ball is high. 

Thus the two factors affecting kinetic energy are

1. Velocity of the moving body

2. Mass of the moving body 

For Kinetic Energy digital text please 

Click here

 Kinetic Energy Power point Presentation - Click here
Kinetic energy comic strip

Kinetic Energy videos 

Kinetic Energy - Google form (Multiple choice questions) 


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